
Our region
Brussels, Leuven, Aarschot, Tienen, Diest
Our base
A Property & Pelsmaekers BV
Leuvensesteenweg 417, 3070 Kortenberg
+32 78 48 47 00
Opening hours office
Monday to Friday |
9:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 18:00 |
Saturday | Appointment only |
Other moments | Appointment only |
Spacious private parking next to the office in the Stationsstraat.
Available by phone on 078/48 47 00
Monday to Friday |
09.00 – 12.30
13.30 – 16.00 |
Contact us

Registered office
A Property & Pelsmaekers BV
Leuvensesteenweg 417, 3070 Kortenberg
VAT BE0556 879 671
PL insurance via Axa Belgium SA (polisnr. 730.390.160)
A Property & Pelsmaekers is subject to the deontological code of the Professional Institute of Real Estate Agents (BIV).
Supervisory authority
Professional Institute of Real Estate Agents (BIV),
Luxemburgstraat 16 B, 1000 Brussel
Member CIB Flanders
Confederation of Real Estate Professions
Subject to the corporate professional rules CIB
BIV-approved real estate agent - mediator, syndic and steward
Wim Stroobants
505.941 - Belgium
BIV accredited real estate agent - mediator
Philippe Leplat
510.517 - Belgium
BIV-approved real estate agent - trainee
Steve Vranckx
516.843 - Belgium